The Art of Conscious Connection 101 w/ Weekly Telephone Support

Learn to Master Your Values Intelligence

Values Intelligence is your ability to keep your attention focused, moment by moment, on what is most important to you at the deepest level. It is what  allows you to create your life, your actions, and your relationships in harmony with your most deeply held values.

READ MORE in The Art of Conscious Connection 101 eCourse product description…

We know that on your own it can be difficult to stick to your commitment to completing a self-paced eCourse. And even though the experiential exercises will go a long way in helping you gain the valuable insights offered by this course, it goes without saying that expert support and guidance along the way can only insure that you receive maximum benefit for your investment of time, money and energy.

That’s why we created this package that includes 18 personal support sessions that not only practically guarantee you successfully complete the eCourse, but also make sure that you don’t miss any of the subtle nuances and practical application of the material along the way.



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